What are INSET days? INSET stands for In Service Training. All schools in England have five days every year when they are closed to pupils to allow for staff training. They are an important part of staff training and development, ensuring that staff stay up to date with latest developments and so education in our school remains ‘cutting edge’.

What is Teacher Assessment? This is the teachers’ judgement about what national curriculum level a child is attaining. This judgement will be made based on evidence gathered over a period of time and from a range of pieces of work.

What is an LSA and LSP? An LSA is a Learning Support Assistant and an LSP is Learning Support Practitioner. This is somebody who supports learning in the classroom. Sometimes they will support individual children, at other times they may work with a group or with the whole class.

What is PPA time? This is Planning, Preparation and Assessment time; all teachers are entitled to PPA time.

When do we get a school report for our children? School reports are issued to all the children in the last week of the school year (July).

How do I give feedback about my child to teachers? There are two parent consultation evenings every year when you can make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher(s). In addition, teachers are always happy to talk briefly at the start or end of the school day. If you’d like to talk for a bit longer, then ask your child’s teacher if you can arrange a time that is convenient for you both. You can do this at any time of the year.

Can I speak to my child’s class teacher / support staff? We strongly support close links between school and home and would encourage you to ask questions, discuss any concerns or important information with your child’s class team. However, we would really appreciate it if you could try to avoid phoning between 9.10am and 3.00pm unless it is urgent, as it disrupts teaching and learning. If you do need to phone in between these times, you can speak to someone on reception and they will pass on messages or answer queries and get back to you.

How frequently are parents’ evenings? Parents’ evenings are held three times a year; one in each term.

How do I contact the Head Teacher? You can do one of a number of things. 1) Call in to the school office and make an appointment. 2) E-mail, or 3) Write a letter. Our Head Teacher, James Horspool, practices an open-door policy and is always happy to meet with you.

Am I allowed to take my child out of school for a holiday or day off? What happens if I do? In line with the law, we do not authorise leave in term time (taking a student out of school for the purpose of a holiday or to leave the country) unless there are exceptional circumstances. If you wish to request time off school for your child, please request a Pupil Leave of Absence Request Form. You can do this by calling on 0121 5697080 or leaving a note in the home school book. Please note, any period of leave taken without agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised absence.

Parents who take their children without authorisation may receive a Fixed Penalty Notice by the Sandwell Council for failing to ensure regular school attendance. A fine of £60 (per parent, per child) can be issued as a result of holiday leave taken in term time. If payment of the fine, to the local authority is not made within 21 days (of a penalty notice being issued) the penalty will rise to £120 (per parent, per child). 

Please note if your child is absent with no contact from home this will trigger separate safeguarding procedures.

Attendance Policy


How do I report my child’s absence? Please report your child’s absence from school by telephoning the school office on the first day of absence, stating the reason for their absence.

What happens if the school is closed due to adverse weather conditions? A message detailing any closure will be placed in the Latest News on our school website. The school will also be informing families of a school closure by sending an email and a text message to parents and carers. The school will also pass this information to Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council.

Any other questions? Please feel free to contact us.