Our curriculum is a mixture of lessons based around the 5 main areas of the students’ EHCPs, ASDAN Accreditation and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

We are working on our Communication skills, with input from our Speech and Language specialists. Developing our use of Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECs), Communication Books and Aided Language Displays. Intensive Interaction sessions play a huge part in our day, building trust, confidence and positivity between students and staff.

We have access to the school Food technology room, which we use to make our snacks, using our independence skills to the full!

Drama and Forest School are both favourites of ours, we love exploring and engaging with different environments.

Duke of Edinburgh award is our Wednesday learning, with a mixture of physical, Skills and volunteering sessions, a very exciting day.


Class Team

Julie Georgia Sue Helen


Julie Turner

Email: Julie.Turner@themeadows.sandwell.sch.uk

