Our class is based in room 14 in the main building of the school.

Our curriculum is a mixture of lessons based around the 5 main areas of the students EHCPs, ASDAN Accreditation and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.


We are working on our Communication skills, with input from our Speech and Language specialists. Developing our use of Picture Exchange Communication Systems (PECs), Communication Books, Aided Language Displays and Makaton. From January, we will be learning a new Makaton sign each day. It would be great if you joined in at home too. 

We have access to the school food technology items, which we use to develop our independence skills.

Drama, PE and Forest School are both favourites of ours, we love exploring and engaging with different environments.

Duke of Edinburgh award is our Monday learning, with a mixture of physical, skills and volunteering sessions, a very exciting day. In this, students have chosen 6 different areas which will alternate each week. For physical, we are looking at dancing and ball games. For our skill, we are looking at cooking and first aid and for volunteering we are looking at helping people and caring for animals.



Staff Team







Chris Coombes

E-mail: christopher.coombes@themeadows.sandwell.sch.uk  
